September 2013 Agenda
GI Music Booster Meeting September 10th, 2013
Call to Order:
Minutes: Review and Accept Minutes from May 7th, 2013
Presidents Report:Diana Nobumoto
Newsletter:Next edition info due by Oct 9th
Old Business: Banquet was Sunday June 9th at 5:00 at the Four Points Sheraton
New Business:will have complete info at October's Meeting
Treasurers Report: Mike Dudley -
Fundraising Report:Showstoppers $3933.75 est
Judo Competition $1357.00 est
Current StudentMr. Allen Zap A Snack, Sue Wolcott Team Leader
Fruit Sale: November, Pick Dates, Valerie Gaydosh Team Leader
Current Booster Calendar: We mailed 300 large and 37 small, delivered about 125
Each school and DO has extras to sell. We are also trying to be at building open houses.
We have approximately 200 large and 30 small too sell.
Secretary's Report: Kim KalmanMembership Fee Amount
Upcoming Projects:Artist in Residence: Mr. Ells
Commissioned Pieces: Mr. Allen
Trip Info:Mr. Allen
Directors Report: Mr. Allen- Mr. Ells -
Capital Project Update: Mr. Allen:
Next meeting: October 1sr 7:00PM 2013
To get updates, reminders, minutes and Agendas, Please visit our web- page and like us on Facebook: Grand Island Music Boosters