September 2012 Minutes
Grand Island Instrumental Booster Meeting
Minutes from September 4, 2012
- The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.
- The minutes from the 5/1/2012 meeting were approved
- Treasury Report: Account Balance: $ 9,115.22
Student Accounts:$ -714.35
Booster Balance:$ 8,400.87
- Presidents Report:
- Old Business-Diana Nobumoto just reviewed how well the banquet went on June 7th. She stated there were 240+ people there and thanked Mr. Allen and Mr. Ells for putting together a great banquet.
- Diana announced that she has polo shirts and sweatshirt order forms available for the newbies.
- New Business:
- Advocacy- Diana talked about starting a committee amongst our booster group to advocate for the music program. Possibly to arrange for students from selected groups to perform at different community and town events/meetings. The booster committee thinks that this would make for a great position among our group to advocate support for our music program.
- New Position- Diana announced the possibility of adding a committee position to the Booster board- “Concessions Officer”. Michele McMahon is no longer involved with the Band Boosters but will help getting the information she has to share to the person willing to take the Concessions Officer position. This committee member would coordinate chair people for the different concessions events. They would direct and supervise functions. They would keep purchasing information, receipts, volunteer sheets and be a central donation request person.
- Diana announced we need a Zap-a-snack fundraiser chairperson needed. Sue Wolcott volunteered for the position. The fundraiser this year is pre pay, which started today.
- Fruit Sale-Valerie Gaydosh has offered to chair this fundraiser this year.
- Diana announced that Grand Island is hosting Elementary All County Rehearsal on March 2nd & March 6th. The concessions are the booster’s responsibility for the event. A volunteer sheet was passed around for anyone to volunteer to help or chair the event as well as the others.
- Fundraising Report: (Karen Ernst)
- Previous-
- Spring Dance Concessions-Michelle McMahon and Mike Dudley chaired the weekend event and profit was $3500.
- Am Can International Judo Challenge: Kim Kalman chaired the event on 5/26, 27th with a $1500 approximate profit.
- Calendar Sales-Diana is estimated a little over $3000 with 600 ordered full size calendars and 300 pocket calendars with a few full size left to sell.
- Current Student-
- Zap-a-Snack- Fall-Sales starting today and it is pre pay fundraiser this year.
- Fruit Sale- No firm date yet for the start of the fundraiser.
- VFW Discount cards- thinking of possibly making this fundraiser pre pay, but Mr. Allen will have more information at a future meeting.
- Current Booster-
- Cookie Sale- Mary Jane Fonte is fine with continuing on chairing this fundraiser. She stated we profited $370 last year from the cookie sale.
- Night At The Races- Kim and Scott Kalman have January 5th for the fundraising event for 2013.
- Showstoppers and An Cam Judo Competition Concessions: May 9th, 10 & 11 for the dance competition and May 25 & 26th for the Judo competition and still looking for a chairperson for both.
- Booster jewelry-Kim Kalman looking into revising the current design to not say the word Booster on the jewelry to sell to kids.
- New-
- Elementary All County: March 2nd and March 6th: Chairperson still needed.
- Secretary’s Report- Kim Kalman has sold 15 memberships during this meeting and will be handling publicity for the upcoming events/concerts etc.
- Upcoming Projects-
- Artist in Residence- Mr. Allen talked about Ed Lisk to do an open rehearsal pod cast. He would only charge his hotel costs and the kids have worked with him before.
- Mr. Ells said that Daniel Pendley has agreed to come play with the orchestra during the spring concert and will hold 2 rehearsals, a master class and performance for $600.
- Craig Poissant is working on getting a vocal jazz singer-more details at a future meeting.
- Directors Report-
- Mr. Allen went over the proposed budget and the director’s wish list (which was passed out to everyone at the Booster meeting).
Mr. Allen also went over the long term project ideas and the possibility of the Booster’s commissioning a piece and having it tie into the Capital Project Improvement to the high school auditorium.
- Capital Project Update-
- Tak Nobumoto went over the details of the timing and completion dates for the Capital Project Improvements, looking at the fall of 2014 for the High School Auditorium to be completed to tie into the commissioned piece by the Boosters. Mr. Allen went over the details that were displayed on the budget sheet that was passed out.
- New Business-
- Diana is asking the Boosters to approve the purchase of some dry erase signs that will be used for all our different functions/fundraising events.
The signs will be used to help direct traffic at concerts and concession events. They are $110 each and we would need about three. Diana talked about Tak’s employee Staples Program at his job and said there is a possibility of getting them for $70 each. The booster group voted yes to purchase the signs not spending more than $250.00.
- Mr. Allen and Mr. Ells said that Mr. Boron is in favor of allowing the 8th grade band students to fundraise along with the high school band students to help raise needed monies for the band trip next year. Waiting on approval from the Middle School administration. This fundraiser will be optional for the students.
- Announcements-
- Mr. Allen announced the 2012 NYSSMA Conference All-State students and announced that the students will be performing in Rochester on Nov. 29th –Dec 2nd and that this is the most Grand Island has ever had.
- Adjournment-
- Meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.