Saving the music program, again!
Tonight’s Board of Education meeting is also the second budget input session.
The Music Program will once again be a topic of discussion as it’s benefit’s, integrity and importance are scrutinized..
As always, it would be very beneficial if program supporters, parents and students,, have a strong showing and speaking presence.
Emphasizing the program benefits to students, how well rounded our students are and how the music program is a vital part of the community are all extremely
important speaking points.
The fact that our program does this all while understaffed compared to other districts is not to be dismissed as well.
If you would like more information about tonight or if you will be able to speak or show your support, please let us know.
Voice of the people is only 3 minutes and can just be a proclamation of your support for the program or what it means to you as a
parent or student.
Please forward this information to any other parents/students/supporters who will be affected by program changes.
As always, thank you for your support.