October 2012 Agenda
GI Music Booster Meeting
October 2nd 2012
Call to Order:
Minutes: Review and Accept Minutes from September 4th, 2012
Presidents Report: Diana Nobumoto
Old Business: Dry-erase signs…are waiting on account approval to order. Lisa Ackendorf was able to get a price of
Polo Shirts and Sweatshirts Order forms available
New: Advocacy: Committee to Brainstorm ideas about how to advocate more for our program. Build relationships before threats to the music program are apparent.
Keep all advocacy student centered. i.e. Arrange for students from selected groups to perform at BOE mtgs, maybe a Town Board Mtg., ask for a Town
Proclomation in March for “Music in our Schools” Month etc. Need person or persons to chair.
New Position: Concessions Officer: Coordinate Chair people for all the different
concessions events. Direct and Supervise functions. Keep purchasing information, receipts purchase order volunteer sheets etc. up to date and ready for each function. Be a central donation request person.
Hosting Elementary All-County Rehearsal Sat March 2nd & Wed. March 6th chairperson needed
Approval for 8th graders to fund Raise
Treasurers Report: Mike Dudley – Account Balance: $ 22,777
- $ 5502 Student Accounts
$ 17,275 Booster Balance
8880.00 owed to Zap A Snack
Fundraising Report: Karen Ernst:
Chair people still needed for the Dance Competition, Judo Competition & Elementary All County Rehearsal.
Current Student Zap-a-Snack – Sue Wolcott
Fruit Sale: Chairperson: Valerie Gaydosh Dates: TBA
Current Booster Calendar: Diana
Cookie Sale: Chairperson: Mary Jane Fonte
Night at the Races: Kim & Scott Kalman- Sat. January 5th
Showstoppers Dance Concessions: May 9, 10 & 11 Chairperson needed
Am-Can Judo Competition Concessions: May 25th & 26th Chairperson needed
Booster Jewelry: ongoing Kim Kalman
Elementary All-County: March 2nd & 6th Chairperson needed
Meal and Snack on Saturday and snacks only on wed.
Secretary’s Report: Kim Kalman Membership and Publicity
Upcoming Projects: Artist in Residence:
Ed Lisk: Mr. Allen
Daniel Pendley : Mr. Ells: Principal Bass in the BPO, Play Concerto & Master Class with the Orchestra
Commissioned Pieces:
Directors Report: Mr. Allen Proposed Budget /Director’s Wish list….
Mr. Ells
Capital Project Update: Mr. Allen:
Announcements: The Middle School Music will be presenting Flat Stanley on October 11, 12 and 13th at 7:00
The High School String & Choral Concert will be Wednesday Oct. 24th at 7:30
Next meeting: November 6th 7:00
To get updates, reminders, minutes and Agendas, Please visit our web- page www.gimusicboosters.webnode.com and like us on Facebook: Grand Island Music Boosters
E-mail gimusicboosters@gmail.com