March 2012 Agenda
GI Music Boosters Meeting
3/7/12 at 6:30
- Welcome
- Approval of minutes from 2/7/12
- Treasury Report Account Balance $ No Update
Student Accounts - Booster Balance $
- Pizza Sale: Final Update Marty
2. Spring Dance Concessions - Kate Donahue Chairperson…Mike Dudley & Michele McMahon Up Date:
3. Judo Competition – Memorial Day weekend Accepted, chairperson? Am-Can International Judo Challenge May 26 & 27 40th anniversary
4. Discount Cards Sale update: Marty
5. Shirt/sweat shirt sales…..all back ordered are here, chaperone order is in …
6. Calendars - update. Meeting on Wednesday price at 1.25
7. .
- Projects
1. Bruce Johnstone: Performing with students at the All-Island Jazz Concert March 14th
2. Trip Update/ Chaperone Meeting
3. Banquet possible date June 5th checking with Antonio’s, Holiday Inn, and Sheraton
D. New Business
- Announcements
Great Concert!! Side by side with the 8th grade and of course Godzilla is the talk of the town, even made it to You-Tube!
NYSBDA – Very successful!! The bus ride there and back, performance and dinner were an absolute pleasure! The students were extremely well behaved, respectful and of course performed beautifully. Marty, you were well behaved, respectful and spoke beautifully as well!
Next Meeting : Tuesday April 3rd 7:00
Don’t forget to check our website and “Like” us on Facebook “Grand Island Music Boosters”