February 2012 Minutes
Grand Island Instrumental Boosters Meeting
Minutes from February 07, 2012
- The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
- The minutes from the 01/03/12 meeting were approved.
- Treasury Report: Account Balance: $20,150.19
Student Accounts: -16,428.75
Booster Balance:$3,721.44
D. Current Fundraisers:
1. Pizza Sale- Pickup is on Saturday 02/11 at 8:30 am in the large cafeteria.
2. Spring Dance Concession- Kate Donahue is chairperson. Mike Dudley is co-chair with Michele McMahon assisting. Notes were received from Cheryl Oyer. Diana verified the dance competition’s dates on their website. We need to have another grill for the cooking. There was discussion about the Boosters buying a grill to keep at the school for our use. A motion was made to purchase a grill with the amount not to exceed $250. The motion was seconded and passed by vote. Marty will look into buying the grill.
3. Judo Competition- Memorial Day weekend – needs a chairperson.
4. Discount cards are now available. $5.00 each. Student profit is $2.50 each.
5. Shirt/sweat shirt sales-Diana will get the trip chaperone list from Marty so that she can order shirts for the chaperones.
6. Calendars- Jim and Mary Egloff volunteered to help. Jim would send the printing job out to bid. We anticipate selling about 2000 calendars. The cost to print one would be approximately $1.00. The order forms would go into the third quarter report cards (need order forms by 03/28). Sue Nardozzi gets the info for the calendar from all departments. We would order extra to sell to new families and advertize in the Dispatch. The sale would need to be pre-pay and the calendars would have to be picked up to avoid postage costs. We discussed soliciting artwork from the students that is music-themed.
7. Race night – a BIG Thank You to Kim and Scott Kalman. Profit was $1135. 3 baskets were not claimed. It was decided to use them for door prizes at the banquet.
8. DeSignet jewelry fundraiser – Kim Kalman passed around pictures and an order form. People could order booster-themed jewelry with the booster logo. Reg Schopp will give 50% of the profit back to the boosters.
E. Projects
- Bruce Johnstone is all set to play with the jazz students at the All Island Jazz Concert on 3/14/2012.
- Trip update – the first payment was made. Deposits were made where applicable. We still need the hotel info, and then parents will get a packet home with all the information. There are 168 students and 14 chaperones going.
- Recap idea of getting a new piece commissioned – a composer would be hired to write a new piece for GI – the piece is guaranteed to be published and GI would be the first band to perform it. Marty said the usual cost is $1000 per level plus travel costs; total would be about $7,000 - $8,000. Maybe it could be an “Inaugural” piece for the new Auditorium?
F. New Business
- Banquet – possible date is 06/05/12.
- There was a side-by-side rehearsal for Wind Ensemble and 8th graders last Friday – there was a lot of good feedback about it.
G. Announcements
- Mr. Riederer brought up the point that we need to be pro-active about lobbying for the music program with the school board as the budget is being worked on. Maybe have some students go in and play for the school board?
- Congrats to Mr. Ells on the fine pit orchestra performance for the musical!
- Concert Band concert on 02/08/12. Orchestra concert on 02/15/12. Wind Ensemble concert on 03/01/12. Wind Ensemble performance in Syracuse for the NYS Band Directors conference on 03/02/12.
- The March 6th meeting is the same night as the Choral Kaleidoscope concert, therefore the meeting will be at 6:15 instead of 7:00.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm