Welcome to the Grand Island Music Boosters Website

The Grand Island Music Boosters is a non-profit group for the support of Music Education within the school district.


November Meeting

11/01/2016 10:10
Don't forget that tonight is the Booster meeting at 7pm in the band room. Hope to see you there! Any leftover candy is welcomed!!

Fruit Sale!

10/17/2016 07:11
The GIIMB fruit fundraiser will start this Monday, Oct. 17 and end on Wednesday, Nov. 2.  Delivery Date is the morning of Sat. Dec. 10 at the HS Cafeteria.  Online ordering will also be available and can be done at the...

Saving the music program, again!

03/14/2016 12:00
Tonight’s Board of Education meeting is also the second budget input session. The Music Program will once again be a topic of discussion as it’s benefit’s, integrity and importance are scrutinized.. As always, it would be very beneficial if program supporters, parents and students,, have a strong...

Important Info

02/04/2016 13:21
                All of the money for the pizza vouchers and discount cards sold must be handed in by this Friday, February 5th in order to be applied to your child’s trip account. The final payment for students and chaperones is due no later than next Friday...
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Events Calendar

November Meeting

11/06/2017 08:28
Tomorrow night at 7pm in the High School Band Room, the Grand Island Instrumental Music Boosters will be holding their November meeting.  Information on fundraisers, concerts, and this years band trip will be discussed at these monthly meetings.    All are welcome and we hope to...

Boosters Meeting

10/03/2017 19:00
GIIMB Booster Meeting.  7pm in the High School Band Room

Septmeber 12, 2017

09/11/2017 09:24
GIIMB Booster Meeting.  7pm in the High School Band Room.